Polska wersja Русская версия
Firma PIRLA to producent taniej chemii gospodarczej, papieru toaletowego, ręczników papierowych, czyściwa oraz artykułów gospodarstwa domowego. Ręczniki papierowe, papier toaletowy, czyściwo producent Gdańsk.

Household goods, household chemicals, toilet paper, paper towels, cellulose, cleaners - All these products are offered by PIRLA...


Brand PIRLA is a registered trade mark of F.H.U. Decor company. Decor firm was founded in 2002, initially as two outlets with cosmetics and household chemicals in Gdańsk. Currently the firm deals with production, confection, distribution of industrial paper towels, toilet papers and household chemicals.


Pirla to artykuły gospodarstwa domowego, celuloza, producent celulozy, tania chemia gospodarcza, czyściwa...   Pirla White to czyściwo Gdańsk, czyściwo papierowe, producent taniej chemii gospodarczej, papier toaletowy, producent papieru toaletowego, ręcznik papierowe producent. Dbamy o Ciebie i przyrodę...


PIRLA as the brand was created in 2008 for an industrial paper sanitation. The material we use is both recycling-paper and high quality cellulose virgin-pulp. The company office is situated in Gdańsk. We realize the orders all over Poland. We don't cooperate with retail. The firm leads a very flexible price-logistic policy. We will gladly respond to every offer query.


Toilet paper Gdańsk F.H.U. Decor company of Maciej Grabiński concerns. Household goods cellulose, producer of cellulose, cheap household chemicals, cleaners. Cleaners Gdańsk, paper cleaners, producer of cheap household chemicals, toilet paper, producer of toilet paper, paper towels producer. We take care of you and the environment.

Trade mark Pirla belongs to Dekor Trade Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. All rights reserved (c) 2010 - 2023